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Regeneration Program 

Here are the five stages that make up Breaking Free regeneration program. Residents will be required to complete these stages to successfully graduate. These stages are as follows:


Stage 0 Induction- Dugout to the batters Box-


Induction is a ten week process which begins immediately following the applicants successful completion of the intake interview and acceptance into the program. This gives the applicant a first-hand look at who we are and how we operate; in turn, we make our own evaluations to see if the person truly wants to get help. This stage also gives the person time to detox, come down to reality, and understand the commitment that is before them.


Stage 1 Orientation- Batters Box to First Base- 


Orientation is a ten week process where a person learns that God can not change their present condition unless they repent of their lifestyle and are willing to let go of their past. This phase consists of homework, individual counseling, classroom teaching, and small groups. During this stage, the resident becomes part of the socio-gram, where the other residents vote on each others positive and negative traits in a constructive manner to help one another. The resident will also share their life- history before the other residents, a tool to help them see how they have hurt others as well as the ways they may have been hurt themselves.


Stage 2 Regeneration- 1st base to 2nd base-


Regeneration is a ten week process education the resident about the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of addiction. It also covers the areas of addiction treatment, recovery, and aftercare. During this time, each resident should be learning more about their addiction and why they can never safely return to the use of chemicals.


Stage 3 Inner healing- 2nd to 3rd base-


Inner healing is a ten week process, and is centered on God healing the hurts that have been caused by our own choices and the hurts inflicted by others. This is accomplished through the body of Christ, individual and group counseling, character building, and much prayer.


Stage 4 Discipleship- 3rd to Home-


Discipleship is also a ten week process and is centered around spirituality instead of chemical addiction. In this class they learn to apply what they have learned in the program, including leadership, servant hood, commitment, sacrifice, and holiness: At this time, each resident will examine the sacrifices necessary in order to maintain their walk with the Lord, and what the Lord is asking of them after completing the program.

Program Stages 
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